Here I am. Send me...... to Guatemala!

He has done it again! I have been called to be Jesus' hands and feet to the least and the lost in Guatemala! I will be traveling with a team in February to La Limonada in Guatemala. La Limonada is built on what most would consider uninhabitable land once owned by the government. Considered a Zona Roja (“Red Zone”), a designation given to Guatemala City’s poorest and most dangerous neighborhoods, the ravine is now home to 60,000 people and is considered the largest urban slum in Central America.
While there is much darkness in La Limonada, there is also much beauty for those who have eyes to see. In the Book of Acts we read that Jesus commissioned his followers to go as his witnesses to “the ends of the earth”—to places like La Limonada where most people refuse to go.
I am super excited about this opportunity and feel extremely privileged that God has called me to use the gifts He has given me in this country. We will be working directly with children in a La Limonada school, as well as with the teachers. We will be modeling strategies to use in the classroom, but most importantly, supporting and loving on the people of this area.
One of the ways that you can help me is to pray for the trip, my teammates, for the partner La Limonada, and for me personally. Only with prayer and support will I be able to participate in this exciting experience. There are also financial needs for this trip. The cost of this trip as $1,800.00 and each team member is responsible to raise this money through support. You can make a donation on this website. I am confident that God will use your donation through to impact the lives of people living in La Limonada.
May God bless you richly as you consider your involvement in this mission.
