The primary purpose of our trip here to Santa Marta was to train leaders in how to do LifeGroups. They asked us to host a workshop to provide this training. And the church did a great job recruiting folks to attend. We were expecting about 25 and instead had about 50 people (almost half of the congregation).

Pastor Julio began by saying the reason to have groups is because they bring life and create space for new people to feel welcome. Then I gave a biblical basis for groups using acts 2:42-47 as a good start for groups. Recognizing that the real growth of groups happen when we raise up new leaders (acts 6) and when we evangelize (acts 9). Then Felipe (our translator; truly a pastor in his own right) and I shared how to do inductive bible study by modeling it with a children's book.

Shane then shared in a very powerful way how God brought him from a very low point to the place God has him today. Emphasizing that God can call anyone to himself and to leadership. Shane's vulnerability was probably the most impactful 10 minutes of the day.

We (Matt, Amy, David, Shane) answered questions from everyone. Then we broke for a very tasty lunch and got to know people.

After lunch we each focused on one area of groups. David talked about bible study and prayer. Shane talked about fellowship. Amy talked about serving and evangelism. Any got asked some of the hardest questions and did a great job of showing them how evangelism often begins by building a relationship. Apparently Colombians have the opposite problem of the church in America. They attempt to evangelize without building a relationship while Americans never evangelize for fear they will damage a relationship. In our debrief that night we all came away wanting to change in this area.

Finally, and probably the highlight for me (Matt) was the breakout session at the end. David Amy and Shane took separate corners of the room and folks could walk around and ask them questions. this time was so valuable because the church leaders could get a more personal picture of what groups LifeGroups are.

It was so clear their heart to want to know God more, to love one another and to reach the lost. I believe that we have given enough for the church to take next steps and form groups.

Please pray for the church service which begins in about 2 hours. Matt will be preaching to challenge the church to embrace the call of witnessing emphasized in the last words of each gospel. Witness to God (worship). Witness to one another (edification). Witness to the lost (evangelism).
