All of the work is done aside from our trip home. And we have done good work.

Last night we went to the university for the meeting of Impacto, a ministry from the church for university students. The group enjoys good favor of the university. That good favor of the group means that they can walk around the campus and invite students to the meeting. They meet on the grass near the center of the campus where people are constantly walking by. Since there were several "gringos" at the meeting we attracted a good bit of attention. There were 20-30 students who came and went as they could between classes. Matt shared a message about how to evangelize by sharing your favorite story about Jesus.

Afterward, we had an authentic Colombian dinner (pizza and Coke) with the people that we met throughout the week.

It was a really good time to celebrate all that God had done.

I added a picture (that is on Facebook) of the entire group that was at the training.