Greeting blog world from Guatemala. We have been in country for 30 hours but feel though we have a week’s worth of experiences already. God has been working in this place much longer than us, so for us to come along side to be His hands and feet today is quiet humbling to say the least.

This morning we arrived at the first of three academies prepared in heart, mind, body, soul and painting gear. The task for the day: paint the outside of the academy from yellow to orange as well as to remove and pour a concrete floor for a utility kitchen. We split up and went to work. Within 8 hours the academy was painted, the floor was laid, blocks were installed to keep the wildlife out and most importantly friends were made.

One personal take away from the day was to see how God creates beauty from brokenness. One of the team mates was seeking a little additional height by standing on a 5 gallon paint bucket of which overturned, spilling out on the sidewalk in the middle of the “road”. In a quick attempt to clean up the spilled paint, a heart was drawn from the puddle, and then outlined for emphasis. And something that originated from a clumsy move was transformed into a work of beauty that will forever highlight the entrance of the school displaying their primary message: the heart. Order out of chaos. Life out of destruction. The message Christ intends for the world. And this is the reason we are loving humans in Guatemala today.

For me, I always enjoying seeing the “vehicle” that God uses to reveal Himself. Today happened to be through paint and concrete. Tomorrow… in teaching children. In reality, he claims us as His greatest creation, WE are used as a vehicle to His Son.

“But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love in which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ – by grace you have been saved.” Ephesians 2:4-5