Now that we have been able to rest and catch our breath, we are so blessed to be able to update you all on at least one of our many experiences within our first full day of being here in Riohacha. WE STAND AMAZED is a brief and humbling caption of Gods' steadfastness and faithfulness to us as we have been able to meet such beautiful people here in the city of Riohacha. The smiles captured in this picture are a direct reflection of the light of Christ that is illuminating and resonating within the lives of our friends here. Our spiritual cups are filling up quickly as the abundance of God's joy and love radiates from the culture of which we have encountered. We are overwhelmed at how God has been faithful in meeting us here; as our week has yet to began. Though we are aware of the work ahead of us, we know and fully trust that God is stirring up something so divine within us that once we return we won't be the same. We thank our church, family, friends, and more for their continuous prayers and support as we continue to respond to the call that Christ has placed on us. We would like to echo the words of Apostle Paul in 2 Thessalonians 3:5 "May the Lord lead you into a greater understanding of God's love and the endurance given by Christ." As we are being lead by Christ may grow more and more in the understanding and steadfastness of His undying love for us all. May peace and blessing be unto you.