I’ve been reading a book by John Ortberg during this week of ministry in Guatemala and in the opening pages Ortberg refers to another book in which famous and not so famous writers are challenged to create a six-word memoir about their lives. The title of the book is Not Quite What I Was Planning. Clever, huh? Probably most of us could say that about our lives.

I was also thinking that most people that have experienced a missions trip could say the same. It turns out different than what they were expecting. So, what if we created a memoir of six words for this week of ministry? You know something like, “Time flies when you’re having fun,” or “I received more than I gave.”

Our team of eight came up with their own six-word descriptions of this week. Some are beautifully descriptive. Some you have to think about. One you’ll have to translate. They all describe a different aspect of the trip and together they will give you a better idea of what this whole week was all about.

• Life altering. Humbling. Surreal. Love. Meaningful.
• Learn to dance in the rain.
• Humbling. Sobering. Encouraging. Overwhelming. Convicting. Fulfilling.
• Hidden treasures where my heart lies.
• Life-changing. Heart-breaking. Inspiring. Joyful. Emotional. Thought-provoking.
• Corazones quebrantados. Oraciones contestadas. Vidas tranformadas.
• At the feet of the cross.
• Spiritually rich. Emotionally broken. Forever loved.

Of course, the best way to see what a trip like this is all about is to come on one yourself.
In six words, “Try it. It’ll change your life.”