Another amazing day serving the community of La Limonada! Our dental team was fantastic, seeing an additional 32 patients throughout the day! They were able to treat a few of the teachers, as well as students of the academies.
The other half of our team continued with house visits with the community nurse, Janetta. They walked through the neighborhoods of Mandarina and Toroja checking up on patients that are regularly monitored by the nurse. It was a blessing to give Janetta a small break in her busy, and sometimes overwhelming, work load.

We also had the priveledge of meeting Otto today! Otto is a local shoe maker who has spent his life working to prevent gang activity in young men. Being in a gang as a young boy himself, Otto is determined to stop the continuation of violence in La Limonada. Through his shoe shop, he employees gang members to teach them a trade, encourage them to turn around their lifesyle, and ultimately follow Jesus.

Tomorrow our team will have the priveledge of meeting Tita, the founder of all the amazing work that happens here in La Limonada. She has spent decades pouring into this community, providing hope to the kids of this area. We will join her on a prayer walk through town, praying for people that have needs.

Continue to pray for our team as we serve this community. As we studied tonight in a group devotional, none of this is about us or our abilities. It's all because of God and for His glory. So we pray we can be used to glorify him more and more!