It was another great day serving the people of La Limonada!!
Our dental clinic was running 3 chairs all day, seeing kids and teachers! We are thankful that it ran smoother and less chaotic than yesterday! What a difference a day can make!! We had some kids that didn’t come to their scheduled appointments for dental care, so we are praying that we are able to see these patients later in the week! The dentist can be a scary thing for people of all ages in any country, but we hope to provide care to each child in need!

Our medical team continued house visits through out the day with the community nurse. We saw a variety of medical needs... recovering from car accidents, heart failure, uncontrolled high blood pressure, pain management, and list goes on and on. One of our goals for the week is to purchase some much needed medications for the community. A lot of the patients rely on donations, so we are heading to the pharmacy tomorrow to help refill their supply of critical medications!

Tomorrow part of our team will join the staff and teachers of the academies for the weekly prayer walk. We are excited to get a glimpse of their ministry in this time.
Continue to pray for us as we try to serve the least of these. In Mathew 25, Jesus taught that when we serve the hungry, poor, or sick we are actually serving him. We are trying our best to serve and glorify Him this week!!