Hey, you! It was another glorious day in Haiti. The hum of the generator faded at approximately 5AM, causing us all to awaken to the sound of goats and roosters, and reminding us that we weren’t in Charlotte anymore.
After a breakfast of hard boiled eggs and warm milk (but killer coffee), we headed to the Dobbs and Reed Eddings School, where many of us were able to meet our sponsor children for the first time, bringing gifts that brought such happiness to their faces (well, except maybe for Deanna’s boy who cried and peed his pants, which I guess is to be expected from a 2 year old meeting a strange white woman for the first time!). What an amazing testament to God’s love though that he could take a tragic story and turn it into such good. To think that hundreds of Haitian children now have the opportunity to attend a school because of those two precious boys brings tears of joy to our eyes.
The afternoon was spent visiting families that had moved into the Vision 90 community that Arbonne constructed in the village of Minoterie. It was eye opening to hear the stories of people that had moved from various areas across Haiti whether it be from Port au Prince because they had been displaced by the earthquake and were just now moving out of City Blue where they had been living in tents for the last 6 years, or more recently from the south because of the hurricane. There are so many heart breaking stories of single mothers who don’t know where their children’s next meal is going to come from, or if their son will ever be able to receive proper medical care so that he can walk one day. Through all of it though, Mission Of Hope has provided avenues of care and treatment with whom people in surrounding villages and beyond can engage in order to obtain the basic care and treatment that many of us take for granted.
And tomorrow we’ll wake up in the morning with that same humming of the compound generator coming to a stop, wondering what God has in store for us. Stay Tuned!